What clearance do MSA values give?

What clearance do MSA values give?

They provide at least 1000ft clearance over obstacles within 25NM of the homing facility.

What do you know about carb icing? Would you experience it today?

What do you know about carb icing? Would you experience it today?

Carb icing can occur in the engine induction system and in the carburettor of piston engines.

Regarding the second question, mention the conditions in which carb icing can occur and if it would be possible on that particular day.

Conditions for carb icing: when OAT is between -10 & +30, with high humidity (greater than 40%) and/or visible moisture.

What systems protect against a stall?

What systems protect against a stall?

Stall warning, stick shaker, stick pusher, etc...

Generically we can destinguish between systems that alert the pilot of the impeding stall, like stall the stall warning or stick shaker, and systems that try to correct the situation, like a stick pusher.

Could a Seneca fly to the South of France without stopping for extra fuel?

Could a Seneca fly to the South of France without stopping for extra fuel?


You have lost both alternators, how long would the battery last and what would you do?

You have lost both alternators, how long would the battery last and what would you do?

30 minutes, I would land as soon as possible.

What is the maximum operating ceiling of a typical jet?

What is the maximum operating ceiling of a typical jet?


If you are outside the range of any VOR’s/NDB's, how does the aircraft know where it is?

If you are outside the range of any VOR’s/NDB's, how does the aircraft know where it is?


What is the cabin altitude of the Boeing 737 on a cruise flight level?

What is the cabin altitude of the Boeing 737 on a cruise flight level?


What is dihedral?

What is dihedral?

Dihedral is the upward inclinitation of the wing from the root to the tip.

What is ACA/H? What ACA/H did you use? Why do we have an ACA/H?

What is ACA/H? What ACA/H did you use? Why do we have an ACA/H?

Asymmetric Committal Altitude/Height is the minimum height needed to establish a positive climb whilst maintaining adequate speed for control and removal of drag during an approach to a landing.

In the Seneca at Oxford we used 200ft AGL. At this altitude when continuing for landing you selected the landing flaps (check clear runway, on speed, on altitude, landing clearance received).

You now are committed to land, single engine G/A with flaps 40 and gear down is not possible in a Seneca.

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